
In linear algebra and mathematical physics, there is a notational convention called Einstein Notation. The python package numpy implements a function called einsum, which is the first hit when googling the term. Several Julia packages exists that implement einsum functionality.



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This package implements a macro @tullio, which it describes as

a very flexible einsum macro. It understands many array operations written in index notation – not just matrix multiplication and permutations, but also convolutions, stencils, scatter/gather, and broadcasting.


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From README.md of this package:

This package exports a single macro @einsum, which implements similar notation to the Einstein summation convention to flexibly specify operations on Julia Arrays, similar to numpy's einsum function (but more flexible!).


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From README.md of this package:

This is a repository for the Google Summer of Code project on Differentiable Tensor Networks. It implements one function that both computer scientists and physicists love, the Einstein summation


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ArrayMeta.jl exists, but the package is not maintained and registered.


Tortilla.jl was announced in JuliaCon2018, but the package is not public yet.

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Last modified: May 03, 2024. Built with Franklin.jl